An order came in recently for another version of the big Nguni oil that sold at Walmer Park in 2009. So I made a small change and embarked on it once again with some trepidation, as there was a deadline for the 28th November. That gave me a mere 2 weeks to complete it, and make sure it would be dry for packaging and sending off to the framers in Pretoria.
Fortunately John had made me a couple of big canvases some time ago, and one was big enough for the requirements.
I did have some clear time fortunately, and was able to get it done by Friday 18 th November . Which means it has an ample 3 days to dry before packaging & sending off; and in our hot and dry karoo weather, that is quite enough time.
Here below are some of the early stages, if anyone is interested.
The process was accompanied by the superb sermons of R.C.Sproul on the Gospel of John,
that I had downloaded for the occasion. It is a truly inspiring series !

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