During the 1990’s Bon Jovi became my favourite rock band and I followed them avidly. In 1995 we attended their first concert in Johannesburg. I also joined the fan club, ‘Backstage with Jon Bon Jovi’, and entered a few competitions. I sent a couple of paintings which Jon and his wife, Dorothea apparently received, according to his Mum. At that time Jon’s Mum ran the Fan Club. I won an autographed T’shirt in one competition, and collected all the Albums of their music. But during the next ten years, although I continued to follow their music and enjoyed the odd appearances on TV, gradually the fervor faded and I gave the subscription money to a worthwhile charity instead. I even forgot about the two oil portraits that I’d done during that heady decade; until recently when a friend asked about them, so here they are:

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